For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
PTSA Navigation
When purchasing materials for a PTSA event, be sure to use our tax-exempt form and receive a detailed receipt. If you are unable to use the tax-exempt form and are charged tax, you will not be reimbursed for the tax from the PTSA.
The PTSA has tax-exempt accounts at Amazon and Oriental Trading. The treasurer can make these purchases directly. Reach out to the treasurer with any questions about this option. You may also request that the treasurer establish a tax-exempt account at other online stores.
In an effort to save paper and streamline our processes, we are now using digital forms! We have also created some new forms. Please continue to use a paper copy of the money handling form when you return cash to the treasurer after an event.
(1) The Treasury Form is used when you need a check for reimbursement of an expense you've already incurred OR to request a check ahead of an event to pay a vendor.
(2) The Money Handling Form is used if you are returning money to the Treasurer after an event.
(3) The Cash Box Request Form is used to request a cash box for an event. Please be sure to request the cash box at least one week in advance of the event.
(4) The Contract Submission/Signature Form is used to request a signature on a vendor contract. Please note that all vendor contracts must be signed by the PTSA president.
**TAX EXEMPT** If you are purchasing something for an event, please use the Tax Exempt Form; PTSA does not pay or reimburse tax. You must use the most recent tax-exempt form to be compliant with the law. If you have any questions, contact our Treasurer (using the email treasurer link below).
W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID # (Federal Form)
BCSD has graciously provided information about how to apply to use BCSD facilities for PTSA events. Make your request using the online facilities request portal
All 3rd party vendors who serve food and/or beverages on site must be authorized by the district office before your event. Please call the district office at least 6 weeks before your event to start the process.
Call the district hotline at 585 242-5200 and ask for the person who assists with 3rd party vendors for PTSA. We can not publish on our website specific contact information due to privacy concerns.
The PTSA uses digital flyers to advertise many events. Such flyers should use one of the logos below, and should be approved by the Flyer Committee. When submitting a flyer for approval, please include the necessary information in plain text to accompany the flyer for the use of those who use screen readers or for whom images may fail to appear.
Lili Schwartz of liliandben design + technology created the PTSA logo. It is intended for use on appropriate Brighton PTSA materials. Committee chairs and other authorized individuals are encouraged to use our logo.
The EPS file should be used for PRINT because it's a vector so the lines and curved edges will stay crisp and not be blurry or pixelated.
If you ever need to match the colors, here are the CMYK and RGB breakdowns:
Light Blue: 65c 11m 0y 0k; 89R 227G 255B
Red: 19c 89m 74y 0k; 207R 28G 66B
Green: 66c 0m 98y 7K; 81R 237G 5B
Yellow: 8c 20m 100y 0k; 235R 204G 0B
Brighton deep Blue: 97c 97m 0y 31k; 5R 6G 176B
PTSA Logo Color/Transparent Background
PTSA Logo Blue/White Background
PTSA Logo Black/White Background
Letterhead- black and white logo
To reserve the inflatable gaga pit for a PTSA event, check that it's available on the calendar below and then email the PTSA Webmaster with the name, time, and location of the event, and a contact person's name, email, and phone number.