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BCSD Theatre Program Home

Theatre Program


The theater program at Brighton continues to flourish while developing our students' acting and stage potential! 





At the high school level, we offer coursework in both acting and directing as electives.  The curricular program is closely aligned with NYS ELA and Theater Arts standards and sequentially builds on aspects of the use of movement, voice, and choice to inform students' performance choices.

There are active drama clubs in both middle school and high school. We currently produce one musical each year at the middle school level. At the high school level, there are a vast number of performances that take place each year for students to participate in.  

A unique opportunity for high school students to experiment with their creative talents is the Not-So-Very 24-Hour Plays.  Over three afternoons, the students write, audition for, direct, and perform their own acts.

Many of our Brighton students also participate actively in community and summer theater groups.  Our goal is to nurture an appreciation for theatre for everyone!  

On a state-wide level, NYSTEA, The New York State Theatre Education Association, is an organization whose members are educators and artists.  The Annual High School Theater Conference, sponsored by NYSTEA every January, is well attended by Brighton High School students.

A poster for a theater production of "Once on This Island".




    A poster for the BHS Performing Arts 24-25 season.


    TCMS 24-25 Season



    A poster for a school production of "Frozen Jr."


  • BHS proudly presents THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE by Julia Cho.

    Friday, May 2nd and Saturday, 3rd 2025, 7pm in the BHS Auditorium


    THE STORY: George is a man consumed with preserving and documenting the dying languages of far-flung cultures. Closer to home, though, language is failing him. He doesn’t know what to say to his wife, Mary, to keep her from leaving him, and he doesn’t recognize the deep feelings that his lab assistant, Emma, has for him.

    “However whimsical—even fantastic—it becomes, it affirms life no matter how melancholy.” —Bloomberg.

    “[THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE’s] dialogue is a tour de force…the gulf between what’s said and what isn’t is rarely described and traversed with as much power as it is here. What makes this achievement more significant still is that the play itself is in no way ordinary…passionate…wise and wonderful.” —Talkin’ Broadway.

    “Uniquely blends absurdist farce with sentimental comedy.” —Los Angeles Times.

    “Quirky, but ravishingly well-written piece that is smart, funny, deep and tender.” —OC Weekly.


    A cast list for a production titled 'The Language Archive' with character names and actors listed in two columns.


  • MammaMiaposter

    Purchase tickets by clicking here!

    Directed by Glenn McCarty

    Choreographed by Jess Padilla



    • Sophie Sheridan - Taylor Howe/Understudy - Yelena Haefner-Busza
    • Donna Sheridan- Casey Howe/Understudy – Sophie Pincus
    • Sam Carmichael – Henry Ager
    • Bill Austin – Clem Beach
    • Harry Bright – Sage Rinella
    • Sky – Tobin Smith
    • Tanya Cresham-Leigh- Samuela Botwey/Understudy – Fiona Hughes
    • Rosie Mulligan – Soph Miller/Understudy – Mila Lobos
    • Lisa - Katey Laird
    • Ali – Brooke Allen
    • Pepper – Charlie McBane
    • Eddie – Javier Smith


    • Michelle Arnold
    • Sophia Baker
    • Brooklyn Bassett
    • Norah Collins
    • Kara Filmore
    • Yelena Haefner-Busza
    • Victoria Hayashi
    • Sydney Hubbard
    • Fiona Hughes
    • Teja Jensen
    • Gabby Kappy
    • Makenna Keenan
    • Naomi Kleiner**
    • Mila Lobos
    • Mary Elizabeth Lundy
    • Phoebe Martin
    • Molly McIntyre
    • Cypher McNulty
    • Hannah Meltzer
    • Jada Phelps
    • Sophie Pincus
    • Jennifer Puckey
    • Maria Shalaeva
    • Adia Shetler
    • Denise Snyder-Smith
    • Sophia Stilson
    • Solstice Toner
    • Carys Vaisey
    • Juliana Vasquez-Colindres
    • Aralina Yarbrough
    • ZiYang Zou

    **Middle School Apprentice Performer

    Dance Captains:

    • Sophia Baker
    • Kara Filmore
    • Molly McIntyre


    • Stage Manager: Hudson Sloan
    • Asst. Stage Manager: Lauchlan Presley
    • Sound: Rhys McLendon
    • Sfx: Stella DeRisio
    • Lighting: Jordyn Raville
    • Board Op: Alexis Sharp
    • Spot: Ashe Nipe, Connor Mitchell
    • Deck Lead: Arwen Hull, Jordan Inzinna
    • Props: Anna Sackett, Laina Cohen
    • Deck: Arnab Bandyop, Charlotte Marcus, Colby Rinella, Ellie Pratt, Nora Hiller, Rio Sama, Ronin Sellix, Tessa Lindstrom


    • Benji Watson in Pit
  • Disney’s Frozen Jr. is taking Brighton by (snow)storm! 

    The Frozen Jr. logo features the title in bold white letters against a blue background with snowflakes.

    November 22 & 23

    Brighton High School Auditorium | 7pm

    Tickets $10


    ENSEMBLE – Kenzi Thompson, Viviana Spence, Lucy Pratt, Morgan Cameron, Kaelyn Love, Hana Utech, Claire Brennan, Charlotte Morey, Eden Collins, Ellie Greenberg, Alaina Marafioti, Justine Kirchmaier, Abbie Sacco, Rory Platzer

    ANNA – Emma McGowan

    MIDDLE ANNA – Attie DeRisio

    YOUNG ANNA – Sadie Collard

    ELSA – Veronica Jurasinski

    MIDDLE ELSA – Sarah Moalem

    YOUNG ELSA – Kennedy Smith

    KING AGNARR – Jordan McCloud

    QUEEN IDUNA – Abby Hittinger

    PABBIE – Violet Beach

    BULDA – Iris Starr-Powers

    KRISTOFF – Joshua Robertson

    SVEN – Reid Wilder

    HANS – Henry Silva

    WEASELTON – Evren Tenekeci

    OLAF – Lauren Kinslow

    OAKEN – Maisy Francey

    BISHOP  - Indra Aguilar

  • BHS presents Agatha Christie’s Black Coffee! Accomplished physicist Sir Claud Amory has constructed a workable formula for one of the most deadly weapons known to man: the atom bomb. After the formula is mysteriously stolen and Sir Claud is callously murdered, Hercule Poirot arrives to solve the mystery with the help of Captain Hastings and Inspector Japp.

    A superbly crafted whodunit with endless red herrings, subplots of infamous spies and an astonishingly prophetic storyline about weapons created through “bombarding the atom,” Black Coffee is one of Christie’s most gripping country house murder mysteries.


    Friday, November 8th and Saturday, November 9th at 7pm in the BHS Auditorium

    Tickets are $5 for general seating and can be purchased at the door (cash only please).

    Directed by Ms. Colleen Parent


    A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare.


    BHS PresentsShakespeare's comedy-A Midsummer Night's Dream-is twisted a bit sideways in this romanticized 1950's interpretation.  The story starts off at The Athen's Malt Shop and Diner. Rock and Roll star, “The Duke," has returned from his latest tour. While travelling, he met and wooed the chic and sophisticated Hippolyta of the Amazons.  The two have returned to town to wed. With love in the air, some of the Teenie-boppers at The Athens are also having a go at romance.  However, “the path of love never did run smoothly”, so to escape the pressure of all the "squares,” they escape to the magical freedom of The Woods, the local drive-in theatre, where city rules don’t apply and “The Fairies” gang runs free with mischief and mayhem. When magical love-potions are applied, romance goes awry and hilarity ensues.

    Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27 at 7pm in the BHS Auditorium

    Tickets are $5 for general seating and can be purchased at the door (cash only please).

    Directed by Ms. Colleen Parent




    The logo for the Spongebob musical.




    February 8, 9 & 10, 2024 at 7pm in the BHS Auditorium

    Tickets - Reserved Seating $12 ($15 at the door) 

    Purchase tickets online

    Artistic Director - Glenn McCarty

    Choreographer - Jessica Padilla

    Vocal Director - Alison Cuchiarale

    Orchestra Director - Sarah Staebell

    Tech Director - Jack Witmer


    SpongeBob SquarePants - Callan Comeau

    Patrick Star - Renata Corrado-Green

    Sandy Cheeks - Hope Galloway

    Eugene Krabs – Liam Markham

    Pearl Krabs - Soph Miller

    Squidward Q. Tentacles - Henry Ager

    Sheldon J. Plankton - Casey Howe

    Karen the Computer - Aurora Cabral*

    The Mayor of Bikini Bottom – Ellie Cady

    Patchy the Pirate - Aubrey Wilbanks

    Perch Perkins - Quinn Quinlan

    The Electric Skates - Phoebe Martin (1), Natalie Derthick (2), Charlie Cady (3)

    Larry the Lobster - PJ Finn

    Buster Bluetang – Arianna Davila

    Mrs. Puff – Sophie Pincus

    Old Man Jenkins - Sage Rinella

    2 Security Guards - Charlie McBane (1) & Fae Calhoun (2)

    Sardine Devotees - Samuela Botwey (1), Michelle Arnold (2), Delaney McGowan (3), Taylor Howe (4), Katey Laird (5)

    Cowgirl Fish - Michelle Arnold, Samuela Botwey, Kara Filmore, Taylor Howe, Katey Laird

    Girl Fish Trio - Lucy Callan, Fiona Hughes, Ada MacIntyre-Yee

    Plankton'sBackup Dancers - Michelle Arnold, Samuela Botwey, Fae Calhoun, Arianna Davila, Kara Filmore, Taylor Howe, Katey Laird

    2 Mob Fish – PJ Finn, Colby Rinella

    Teen Fans – Molly McIntyre (1), Denise Snyder-Smith (2), Kayla Harvey (3)

    BFF Letters - Cypher McNulty, Emely Najera, Aralina Yarbrough

    Ensemble – Michelle Arnold, Samuela Botwey, Charlie Cady, Ellie Cady, Fae Calhoun, Lucy Callan, Arianna Davila, Abby David**, Natalie Derthick, Aubrey Wilbanks, Kara Filmore, PJ Finn, Kayla Harvey (“Another Fish”), Taylor Howe, Fiona Hughes (“A Fish/3”),Katey Laird, Phoebe Martin, Charlie McBane, Delaney McGowan, Molly McIntyre, Ada MacIntyre-Yee (“A Fish”), Cypher McNulty, Emily Najera, Sophie Pincus, Colby Rinella, Sage Rinella, Denise Snyder-Smith, Aralina Yarbrough

    *Dance Captain - Aurora Cabral

    **Middle school performer for selected numbers

    Sponges: Michelle, Samuela, Kara, Taylor, Kately, Delaney, Charlie Mc, Denise, Molly, Lucy, Fae, Aubrey, Fiona

    Jellyfish- Ada, Cypher, Kayla, Emely, Aralina, Charlie C, Phoebe, Natalie

    THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

    Based on the series by Stephen Hillenburg           

    Book by Kyle Jarrow 

    Original Songs by

    Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, Lady A, Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T’s, They Might Be Giants, T.I.

    And Songs by David Bowie, Tom Kenny & Andy Paley

    Additional Lyrics by Jonathan Coulton

    Additional Music by Tom Kitt

    Musical Production Conceived by Tina Landau 

    ©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, SpongeBob SquarePants and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Created by Stephen Hillenburg. 





    A poster for a musical called "Shrek the Musical Jr."



    TCMS Musical

    November 17 & 18, 2023

    7pm - BHSAuditorium

    Tickets $10 - Reserved Seating 

    Director - J Simmons

    Choreographer - Mandi Griffith

    Vocal Director - Mrs. Cuchiarale

    SHREK The Musical JR. – CAST

    Storyteller 1: Anna David

    Storyteller 2/Captain of the Guards: Sarah Moalem

    Storyteller 3: Adeline Smith

    Mama Ogre/Alice: Norah Collins

    Papa Ogre/3 Blind Mice: Maisy Francey

    Little Ogre/Goldilocks: Maddie Dye

    SHREK: Noah Mankoff

    Guard 1: Jennifer Puckey

    Guard 2: Olivia Evans

    Guard 3: Jada Phelps

    Guard 4: Makayla Welch-Quinn

    Pinocchio: Kai Furuta

    Big Bad Wolf: Kingsley Knight

    Pig 1: Molly Perrotta

    Pig 2: Lauren Kinslow

    Pig 3: Iris Starr-Powers

    Wicked Witch: Lucy Pratt

    Peter Pan: Ellie Greenberg

    Ugly Duckling: Gabriella Kappy

    Mama Bear: Veronica Jurannski

    Papa Bear/Knight 3: Eliza Proctor

    Baby Bear: Kiva Cohen

    Fairy Godmother: Alaina Marafioti

    Gingy/3 Blind Mice: Vivi Spence

    Puss In Boots: Mhalia Baldwin

    Donkey: Clem Beach

    Lord Farquaad: Tobin Smith

    Young Fiona/Little Bo Peep: Hannah Cady

    Teen Fiona/3 Blind Mice: Emma McGowan

    Princess Fiona: Yelena Haefner - Busza

    Knight 1/Cheshire Cat: Lily Wright

    Knight 2/Knome: Teddy Watson

    Knight 3: Eliza Proctor

    Knight 4/Dward/White Rabbit: Henry Silva

    Dragon: Maddie Penner

    Pied Piper (Saturday): Noah Weissman

    Pied Piper(Friday): Henry Silva

    Bishop/Elf: James Kuder

    Dwarf: Maddie Dye


    Rats: Alaina Marafiota, Emma McGowan, Hannah Cady, Iris Starr-Powers, Lucy Pratt & Norah Collins

    Dulocs: Hannah Cady, Norah Collins, Anna David, Maddie Dye, Maisy Francey,Ellie Greenberg, James Kuder, Alaina Marafioti, Emma McGowan,Sarah Moalem, Maddie Penner, Eliza Proctor, Henry Silva, Adeline Smith,Teddy Watson, Noah Weismann, Lily Wright

    Woodland Creatures: Kiva Cohen, Maddie Dye, Olivia Evans, Kai Furuta,  Veronica Jurasinski, Gabriella Kappy, Jada Phelps, Jennifer Puckey, Makayla Welch-Quinn


    SHREK: Maisy Francey         

    Captain Of The Guards: Sarah Moalem       

    Pinocchio: Teddy Watson

    Gingy: Iris Starr-Powers      

    Donkey: Chloe Rothberg                           

    Lord Farquaad: Kingsley Knight

    Princess Fiona: Anna David                



    A poster for a musical called "Urinetown".


    October 27 & 28, 2023

    7pm - BHS Auditorium

    Tickets $10 at the door only (cash or check - No credit/debit


    Artistic Director - Mrs. Shomper

    Vocal Director - Mrs. Staebell

    Choreograhper - Ms. Minerva

    Orchestra Director - Mrs. Staebell





    A poster for a play called "The Children's Hour".



    The Children’s Hour

    By Lillian Hellman

    The Children's Hour is a serious adult drama about two women who run a school for girls. After a malicious youngster starts a rumor about the two women, the rumor soon turns to scandal. As the young girl comes to understand the power she wields, she sticks by her story, which precipitates tragedy for the women. It is later discovered that the gossip was pure invention, but it is too late. Irreparable damage has been done. 

    This production may not be suitable for children or individuals sensitive to certain themes, as it contains depictions of bullying, violence, homophobia, intolerance and suicide.

    Talkbacks following the performance with students, counseling staff and local mental health professionals discussing the shows mature themes.


    April 28 & 29 at 7pm

    Director - Colleen Parent

    Tickets $5 at the door (cash or check)


    Karen Wright - Sophie Hilger

    Martha Dobie - Lea Mancarella

    Mrs. Lily Mortar - Hope Galloway

    Dr. Joseph Cardin - Callan Comeau

    Mrs. Amelia Tilford - Zoe Dale

    Agatha/Understudy Mrs. Tilford - Casey Boyack

    Mary Tilford - Gracie Conn

    Rosalie Wells - Francess Lovett

    Peggy Rogers/Understudy Karen - Aurora Cabral

    Lois Fischer/Understudy Mrs. Mortar - Soph Miller

    Evelyn Munn/Understudy Martha - Lily Fitzpatick

    Helen Burton/Understudy Rosalie - Casey Howe

    Catherine/Understudy Mary - Renata Corrado-Green

    Janet/Understudy Peggy/Lois/Evelyn - Jamie Ryder

    Leslie/Understudy Agatha - Bronte Yelle

    Grocery boy/Understudy Dr. Joe Cardin - Henry Ager

    Standby Understudy - Janet/Catherine/Helen/Leslie  - Paix Day-Magallon

    Tech Crew:

    Ann Adamski, Carol Adamski, Fae Calhoun, Anya Derhak, Alexandria Hall, Victoria Hardie, Pidge Hood, Tree Howe, Arwen Hull, Molly Kirkwood, Violet Klaus, Raphael Knauf, Aaron Mai, Soren Marques, Rhys McClendon, Emily Moy, Ashe Nipe, Wyatt Robinson, Olivia Seckel, Alexis Sharp, Kayleigh Sherman, Hudson Sloan, Tamako Wigal



    A poster for the musical "Matilda".




    BHS presents


    February 9, 10 & 11 at 7pm in the BHS Auditorium

    Tickets $12 for reserved seating 

    Artistic Directors - Judy Shomper & Glenn McCarty

    Musical Director - Ben Meixell

    Choreographer - Jessica Padilla

    Orchestra Director - Sarah Staebaell





    A group of students are standing on a stage. They are looking at the camera.


    A logo that says "PUFFS" with a badger on it.




    Seven Increasingly Eventful Years

    Two Act Edition by Matt Cox

    Puffs: Ever wonder what life at a famous school of magic, dominated by the story of a hugely popular boy wizard, would be like for the other kids?  Puffs tells the story of seven increasingly eventful years of school during which those kids who aren't so cool struggle to figure out how to fit in and make their lives meaningful.  This parody is both funny and poignant for those who are new to the magical universe or die-hard fans, but is only recommended for a thirteen and up crowd due to the nature of some of the humor.

    Artistic Director - Mrs. Parent  

    October 28 & 29, 2022

    7pm - Brighton HS Auditorium

    Tickets $8 at the door (cash/check)


    Wayne Hopkins Callan Comeau
    Oliver Rivers Henry Ager
    Megan Jones Jordyn Raville
    Narrator Itai Weinstein
    Ernie Mac Matt Linkous
    LeAnne Ionna (Ivy) Vaugh
    J. Finch Fletchley PJ Finn
    Sally Perks Aurora Cabral
    Susie Bones Aubrey Wilbanks
    Hannah Phoebe Martin
    Cedric Christopher Kilbridge
    Professor McG / Xavia Jones Casey Boyack
    Ensemble Kayla Harvey
    Ensemble Paix Day-Magallon
    Ensemble Jamie Ryder
    Ensemble Ada MacIntyre-Yee
    Ensemble Cypher McNulty
    Ensemble Molly Mcintyre
    Ensemble Ana Bansal



    Tech crew: Victoria Hardie, Violet Klaus, Tamako Wigal, Tallyah Maimon, Pidge Hood, Fae Calhoun, Kayleigh Sherman, Anya Derhak, Bronte Yelle, Renata Corrado-Green, Rhys McLendon,  Ann Adamski, Carol Adamski, Noa Dolan, Clayton Gomes, Pooja Guntreddi, Nora Hiller, Tree Howe, Arwen Hull, Cameron Isham, Molly Kirkwood, Aaron Mai, Soren Marques, Ashe Nipe, Wyatt Robinson, Yazmin Rohatsch, Olivia Seckel, Hudson Sloan, Zoe Sussman, Devin Veazie, and Soren Marques. 





    A poster for a play called "Into the Woods Jr."



    TCMS Musical

    November 18 & 19, 2022

    Artistic Director - Mrs. Shomper

    Vocal Director - Mrs. Staebell

    Choreographer - Ms. Minerva

    Tickets $10 - Reserved Seating - On sale beginning October 30

    Purchase online -Buy here

    Click here for the Rehearsal Calendar





    A poster for a high school production of the musical "Chicago".


    Friday, April 8 at 7PM

    Saturday, April 9 at 7PM






    Information Processing





    October 29 & 30, 2021 at 7pm



    Director - Mrs. Parent

    The Cast of Blood Relations: 



  • MTI's All Together Now is global event celebrating local theatre and will be presented by schools and theatres in 36 countries and all 50 states in November.  

    Friday, November 12 at 7pm

    Saturday, November 13 at 3pm & 7pm

    Tickets $10 at the door only


    Click here for All Together Now song list

    Artistic Director - Mrs. Shomper

    Musical Director - Mrs. Staebell

    Choreographer -  Ms. Lani Toyama Hoskins

    Stage Manager - Karter Derhak

    All Together Now Cast:

    Henry Ager

    Brooke Allen

    Sophia Baker

    Kareena Balkissoon

    Lucy Callan

    Anna David

    Eleanore Derthick

    Emma Devine

    Kara Filmore

    Daniel Gasparino

    Zoe Houghtling

    Fiona Hughes

    Katey Laird

    Natalie Mankoff

    Charlotte Marcus

    Molly McIntyre

    Megan Mendler

    Maria Gaudio Nichols

    Daniela Nobles

    Izzy Obecanov

    Jada Phelps

    Jennifer Puckey

    Sydney Raville

    Adrianne Reed

    Sage Rinella

    Chloe Rothberg

    Jack Searcy

    Adia Shetler

    Tobin Smith

    Denise Snyder Smith

    Leah Tyree

    Nessa VanHorn

    Juliana Vasquez-Colindres

    Kenya Vickers

    Hailey Walsh

Production Archives



BHS has produced many great shows in the past.

Click on the title of a show for more information and photos from that production.





    A red rectangle with white dots.




    February 27 - 6:00 PM

    February 28 & 29 at 7:00 PM

    Tickets $10 at the door only - General Admission 

    All shows at:       French Road Elementary School

           488 French Road



    A group of students are posing for a photo in front of a red curtain.


    A group of students are posing for a photo on a stage.


    A group of students posing for a photo in front of a school sign.



            A logo with text reading "The Incomplete Works of Some Comedy".


    The InComplete Works of Shakespeare:  Some Comedy is a mash-up adaptation of three of Shakespeare's comedies to poke fun at the ridiculous nature of love.  Our show begins with wars:  one in the human world between the Athenians (Thesues) and Amazons (Hippolyta) and a second in the Mystical Realm of Nature between Fairy royalty-Oberon and Titania.  The members of the fairy world of Midsummer become so amused by the Athenian lovers, whose antics disrupt their woods, that Oberon decides to set up some more entertainment to woo back Titania.  He invites actors to present abbreviated versions of the love stories of  Much Ado and Twelfth Night, thus winning back the love and admiration of his queen. 



    Tickets are $5 at the door

    November 1st and 2nd  at 7 pm 

    TCMS Auditorium





    [AMND] =A Midsummer Night’s Dream

     [MA] = Much Ado About Nothing

    [TN]= Twelfth Night



    Ethan Bitran

    Demetrius (AMND)  Antonio (TN)

    Casey Boyack

    Hippolyta (AMND)

    Kenny Brotherton

    Claudio (MA)

    Gracie Conn

    Fairy of Titania/Athenian/Incidental scenes

    Caroline Cox

    Puck (AMND)/ Incidental scenes

    Lillian Culver-Anderson

    Egeus (AMND)/ Incidental scenes /Captain (TN)

    Rita D’Agostino

    Hermia (AMND)

    Billy Fox

    Malvolio (TN)/Athenian

    Becky Goodman

    Fairy of Titania/Athenian/Incidental scenes

    Gabriella Graney

    Sebastian (TN)

    Allison Grosser

    Fairy Scout for Titania/ Fairy of Titania//Incidental scenes

    Sophie Hilger

    Maria (TN)/ Fairy of Titania/Athenian/Incidental scenes

    Jaz Koft

    Benedick (MA)

    Sarah Kolodny

    Fairy of Titania/Incidental scenes

    Ava LeBoo

    Olivia (TN)

    Matthew Liebman

    Lysander (AMND)

    Ella Lyons

    Viola (TN)

    Z Marvin

    Hero (MA)

    Naomi Marx


    Tia Narang

    Fairy of Oberon/Incidental scenes

    Henry Paskell

    Don Pedro (MA)/Athenian

    Colin Quattrini

    Oberon (AMND)

    Katrina Rich

    Don John (MA)/Amazon/Incidental scenes

    Bella Spence

    Leonato (MA)/ Amazon/Incidental scenes

    Faith Stanley

    Titania (AMND)

    John Wager

    Theses (AMND), Orsino (TN)

    Kristen Waltz

    Fairy of Oberon/Incidental scenes

    Marina Zapesochny

    Helena (AMND)

    Sydney Zobel

    Valentine (TN)/Amazon/Incidental scenes





    A poster for the Broadway musical "Newsies".





    Thursday, February 7 at 5:00 pm

    Friday, February 8 & Saturday, February 9 at 7:00 pm 


    A clock with Roman numerals and the words "These Shining Lives" below it.




    April 5 & 6

    7:00 pm

    Tickets $8 - available at the door ONLY - LIMITED Seating

    Directed by Mrs. Parent

    These Shining Lives

    Please email me at to tell me if you accept or decline the role(s)

    Cast List

    • Ethan   – Lesiv Leonard Grossman
    • Hugh Finnigan –   Dr. Dalitsch/Radio Announcer/Understudy Reed
    • Gabriella Graney  – Reporter 1/Daughter/Understudy Frances
    • Ava LeBoo   – Frances
    • Ella Lyons  –  Catherine Donohue
    • Gilad Katz  –  Company Doctor/an Official
    • Chloe Phelps   – Pearl/Understudy Catherine
    • Colin Quattrini  –  Mr. Reed/Understudy Tom
    • Katrina Rich  – Dr. Rowntree /Judge/Understudy Charlotte
    • Faith Stanley  – Charlotte
    • John Wager  – Tom Donhue
    • Sydney Zobel   – Reporter 2/Son/Understudy Pearl

    Lizzy Bernold will be the Assistant Director during production.

    Monday 2/25 Full Cast 6-8 in the Auditorium for the first Read Thru.  Check your school emails for a schedule for the first week of rehearsals.

    Thank you again to all 34 students who auditioned on Wednesday and Thursday.  You are such a talented group of actors.   If I was unable to cast you for this show-please know that I want you to continue auditioning-either here or in any of the great theatre programs that we have in Rochester.  I will be available to give feedback about auditions to anyone who is interested following the break.  Send me an email to set up a time.

    -Mrs. Parent








    Performances - October 26th and 27th at 7:00 PM

    Tickets - $5 Students & $8 Adults available at the door only.


    45 Seconds from Broadway

    Neil Simon

    Directed by Mrs. Parent


    Caroline Cox                                                       Assistant Director
    Jacyn Burch café patron (understudy Bessie)
    Lillian Culver-Anderson      Zelda
    Billy Fox Café patron (understudy Andrew)
    Harry Franklin    Bernie (understudy Mickey)
    Allison Grosser café patron (understudy Cindy)
    Jaz Koft Harry Fox
    Ava LeBoo Arleen (understudy Megan)
    Andrae Lenear Soloman Mantutu
    Ethan Lesiv café patron
    Ella Lyons Rayleen
    Jonah Markham Charles W. Browning III  (understudy Bernie)
    Naomi Marx Café patron  (understudy Rayleen)
    Alex McAnally Mickey Fox
    Chloe Phelps Megan Woods
    Colin Quattrini Andrew Duncan
    Maddie Rostan Café patron (understudy Arleen)
    Faith Stanley Bessie (understudy Soloman)
    Bri’Anna Taggart café patron
    John Wager Café Cook (understudy Charles and Harry)
    Marina Zapesochny Cindy (understudy Zelda)


    A logo that says "Hairspray JR."



    Show Dates: Friday, November 16 at 7:00 pm & Saturday, November 17 at 2:00 pm

    Tickets on sale beginning October 26 - $10 for Reserved Seating

  • Our Town Cast

    Patrick Boese - Simon Stimson

    Bhuvana Chimmiri - Professor Willard

    Caroline Cox - Rebecca Gibbs

    Eric DeVore - Frank Gibbs

    Robin Eassa - Charles Webb

    Helen Frank - Si Crowell

    Harry Franklin – George Gibbs                                                                                           

    Leo Katzman - Wally Webb

    Chloe Komorowski - Julia Gibbs

    Ava LeBoo - Mrs. Soames

    Ella Lyons - Myrtle Webb

    Alex McAnally - Howie Newsome

    Niamh McDade Clay - Sam (Samantha) Craig

    Jordan Meeker - Constable Warren

    Terra Peter - Mrs. Forrest

    Chloe Phelps – Emily Webb

    Faith Stanley - Joe Stoddard

    Erin Watson - Joe Crowell

    Massey Williams - Stage Manager

    Abigail Zielinski - Mr. Morgan

    Ensemble: Neteri Atkins, Ethan Bitran, Alexandra Dorsey, Ethan Lesiv, Eliza Shriver, Izzy Tickell, Marina Zapesochny


  • BHS Winter Musical

    Thursday, February 8,

    Friday, February 9 & Saturday, February 10

    7:00 pm




    Director - Dr. Larry Dugan

    Orchestra Director - Mr. Struzik

    Choreographer - Mrs. Padilla

    Vocal Director - Ms. Cara Guth





    A poster for the musical Legally Blonde.




    BHS Fall Musical
    Thursday, October 26, Friday, October 27,
    & Saturday, October 28
    7:00 pm
    Director - Mrs. Shomper
    Vocal Director - Mrs. Staebell
    Choreographer - Ms. Rosenfeld 




    The logo for Mary Poppins Jr.




    Friday, May 11 & Saturday, May 12 at 7:00 PM

    DIRECTOR - John Barthelmes

    VOCAL DIRECTOR - Lisa Button

    CHOREOGRAPHER - Kaitlyn Barthelmes



    BOYACK, Casey: Statue/Clerk
    BUCCI, Isabella: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    BURCH, Jacyn E: Mrs. Corry/Sweep/Honeybee
    BYRNE, Ava E: Winifred Banks/Sweep/Honeybee
    CABRAL, Aurora Nelson: Sweep/Honeybee
    COMEAU, Caroline M: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    CONN, Grace: Sweep/Honeybee
    CORRADO-GREEN, Renata: Miss Andrew/Sweep/Honeybee
    COYNE, Lily D: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    D'AGOSTINO, Rita G: Statue/Clerk
    DEMIAN-POPESCU, Victoria C: Statue/Clerk
    DERHAK, Anya V: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    DUNNING, Ella T.K.: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    ELLIS, Sarah G: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    EVANS, Elsie Sabina: Statue/Clerk
    FALKOVICH, Jamie S: George Banks
    FINNIGAN, Hugh: Von Hussler
    FRANK, Olivia G: Sweep/Honeybee
    GALBRAITH, Audrey J: Sweep/Honeybee
    GALLOWAY, Hope F: Sweep/Honeybee
    GONZALEZ, Alexandria J: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    HILGER, Sophie A: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    HUGHES, Kieran P: Policeman
    KATZ, Gilad P: Neleus (Statue)
    KILBRIDGE, Christopher: Bert
    KLEINER, Hannah Sophia: Sweep/Honeybee
    KRIEGER, Edie S: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    MARKHAM, Liam: Robertson Ay
    MARTINEZ GONZALEZ, Erik Reynet: Statue/Clerk
    MCDERMOTT, Kelly: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    MCDERMOTT, N'dazcia L: Bird Woman
    NIPE, Zoe A: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    ODHIAMBO, Lily A: Statue/Clerk
    PAINE, Zachary H: Chairman
    PALUCK, Emmeline Hatch: Statue/Clerk
    PEARSON, Catherine M: Katie Nanna/Sweep/Honeybee
    REGAN, Joseph Stanton: Statue/Clerk
    RICHARDSON, Hannah R: Statue/Clerk
    RIVERA-MAGALLON, Lizzie: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    RODEMERK, Olivia R: Sweep/Honeybee
    ROSS, Georgia J: Statue/Clerk
    RUSH, Olivia C: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    SELTZER-CLINTON, Maya E: Sweep/Honeybee
    SHAFRIR, Ivry M: Statue/Clerk
    SHERIN, Sophia R: Sweep/Honeybee
    SILVA, Halle: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    STRAHL, Olivia: Sweep/Honeybee
    THRALL, Sophia J: Sweep/Honeybee
    UTHAYAKUMAR, Abisha: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    VANDER WAL, Ella: Kite Flyer/Park Stroller
    VEAZIE, Devin: Miss Smyth (bank)
    WADE, Emma Grace: Mary Poppins
    WIGAL, Victoria: Statue/Clerk
    WILLIAMS, Sasha: Michael Banks
    YAGER, Ella M: Statue/Clerk
    ZEBRAK, Vivian: Sweep/Honeybee
    ZIELINSKI, Garrett S: John Northbrook
    ZIMMERMAN, Katlyn M: Mrs. Brill
    ZOBEL, Sydney B: Jane Banks 




    A black and white illustration of a young person holding a book.




    Show Dates: February 9, 10 & 11 at 7:00 pm in the Brighton High School Auditorium.

    Director - Dr. Larry Dugan

    Vocal Director - Mrs. Staebell

    Choreographer - Mrs. Padilla

    Orchestra Director - Mr. Struzik

    Congratulations to the cast!

    Please click on the file below for the cast list.

    Related Files 
    Cast List




    A poster for a project about the Triangle Factory Fire.



    BHS Spring Drama
    Friday, March 31 & Saturday, April 1 at 7 pm
    Tickets at the door only
    $8 Adults and $5 students
    Director - Ms. Annese


    Triangle Factory Fire Project

    Final Cast List


    William Shepherd: Josh Fenster
    Samuel Gompers:  James Howell
    Rose Schneiderman: Ella Lyons
    Mrs. Belmont:  Rebecca Ritterman
    Margaret Schwartz: Campbell McDade Clay
    Charles Bostwick:  Benjamin Howell
    Max Blanck: Jose Fernandez
    Thug #1: Alice Weber
    Thug #2: Andrew Parisi
    Samuel Bernstein: James Howell
    Max Schwartz: Alex McAnally
    Rose Freedman: Rachel McLauchlin
    William Bernstein: Benjamin Howell
    Dinah Lifschitz: Rachel Faerman
    Yetta Lubitz: Sarah Malek
    Kate Alterman: Olivia Freund
    Abe Gordon:  Jose Fernandez
    Ethel Monick: Maddie Winter
    Mary Alter:  Maya Finnigan
    Eddie Markowitz: Rebecca Ritterman
    Chief Croker: Ella Lyons
    Officer Meehan: Alice Weber
    Frank Sommer:  Benjamin Howell
    Bertha Schwartz: Rachel McLauchlin
    Street Vendor: Andrew Parisi
    Judge Crain: Rachel Faerman
    Max Steuer: Alex McAnally
    Issac Harris: Josh Fenster
    John Moore: Josh Fenster
    Herman Hurwitz: Jose Fernandez
    Jury Foreman: Andrew Parisi
    May Levantini: Elena Dell’utri
    Ida Mittleman:  Campbell McDade Clay
  • Shows - October 28 & 29 at 7:00 PM

    This show is for mature audiences.

    Sweeney Todd – Cast

    The Company:


    Lizzy Bernold

    Drew Jensen

    Ben Richardson



    Lucas Brown

    Greta Kerwin

    Sophia Scaravillo


    Eric DeVore

    Jaz Koft

    Sarah Teague

    Elise DuBois

    Chloe Komorowski

    Brenna Vergo

    Robin Eassa

    Alex McAnally

    Erin Watson

    Adina Feldman

    Campbell McDade Clay

    Massey Williams

    Josh Fenster

    Rachel McLauchlin

    Abigail Zielinski

    Harry Franklin

    Erin McManus

    Jared Isman

    Andrew Parisi


    Sweeney Todd – Lucas Brown

    Mrs. Lovett – Campbell McDade Clay

    Anthony – Ben Richardson

    Johanna – Erin McManus

    Judge Turpin – Drew Jensen

    The Beadle – Massey Williams

    Tobias – Harry Franklin

    Pirelli – Alex McAnally

    Beggar Woman/Lucy – Abigail Zielinski

    Young Lucy – Erin Watson

    Fogg – Andrew Parisi


    A poster for a musical tale called "Sleepy Hollow".
    TCMS Spring Musical
    Friday, May 12 at 7:00 pm & Saturday, May 13 at 3:00 pm - BHS Auditorium

    Sleepy Hollow Cast List

    Amy: Maya Seltzer-Clinton

    Charlie: Ava Byrne

    Irving: Paul Howell

    Trudy: Izzy Tickell

    Ichabod: Elias Putney

    Katie: Sadie Nilsson

    Brom: Hugh Finnigan

    Abbey: Sydney Zobel

    Ben: Zack Weaver

    Washington: Van Voss

    Sofie/Emily: N’dazcia McDermott

    Dutch Wife 1: Sophie Thrall

    Dutch Wife 1: Niamh McDade Clay

    Dutch Wife 2: Katlyn Zimmerman

    Dutch Wife 2: Jordyn Chalmers

    Dutch Wife 3: Anna Couch

    Dutch Wife 3: Gabriella Graney

    Rustic Lad 1: Jackson Frenz

    Rustic Lad 1: Jamie Falkovich

    Rustic Lad 2: Christopher Kilbridge

    Rustic Lad 2: Raine Cerankosky

    Rustic Lad 3: Andrae Lenear

    Rustic Lad 3: Gilad Katz

    Cop/Townsperson: Billy Fox


    Eden Solomon, Lucy Yang, Molly Shafer, Olivia Frank, Kahri Silva,

    Marina Zapesochny, Alexandra Dorsey, Kalyn Viggiani-Cole,

    Charlotte Tickell, Tori Demian, Elsie Evans, Ava Voss, Ione Minerva,

    Zach Paine, Billy Fox, Kenny Brotherton

    Colonial Kids:

    Jackson LaPorta, Leo Katzman, Sophie Thrall, Cate Pearson, Addyson McHenry,                    Caroline Cox, Ella Yager, Nicolette Hagen, Anya Derhak, Sarah Ellis,                                         Emma Wade, Rita D’Agostino, Ella Dunning, Lily Odhiambo

    Dancers: For “King Ichabod” – Alexandra Dorsey, Elsie Evans, Olivia Frank, Ione Minerva, Molly Shafer. Kahri Silva, Kalyn Viggiani-Cole, Ava Voss, Marina Zapesochny

    For the “Minuet” – the above girl dancers + Raine Ceranosky, Jamie Falkovich, Billy Fox, Jackson Frenz, Gilad Katz, Christopher Kilbridge, Jackson LaPorta, Andrae Lenear, Zach Paine,