This annual event is an educational "fun day" for Brighton students in grades 3 through 8. Each year, roughly 700 students participate in almost 70 workshops led by members of the community. Most presenters are adults, but several workshops are led by students or clubs from Brighton High School.
This year's mind-boggling array of topics includes returning favorites such as Chocolate Explosion, Fencing, Cupcake Decorating, Circus Arts, Mini Gem Tree, Pretzel Making, and Your Day in Court. For 2025, the lineup includes exciting new entries such as Rock 101, Build Your Own Space Rover, Felt Succulents, and Hands-On Robotics. Want the whole story? Click here to download the Idea Catalog in PDF form!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Brighton High School
Three sessions of 50-minute workshops. While most workshop presenters lead three sessions, some choose to lead only one or two. Workshops can be limited in size or restricted to a specific age group if the presenter wishes. In addition, the Festival committee and the school district collaborate to provide volunteer helpers, supplies and audiovisual equipment as required.
The Festival of Ideas is sponsored by Brighton Central Parent-Teacher-Student Association, but is not a PTSA fund-raiser. Most of our presenters volunteer their time, and the registration fee ($5 per student) is used to pay event costs.
Festival could not happen without the generous support we receive from the Brighton Central School District, Wegmans, and the Pisces School of Dive.
The Festival of Ideas committee is composed of Brighton parents and community members. The committee is chaired by Martha Sciremammano. Working on Festival is good clean fun! If you'd like to join the committee, please call Martha at 746-6818, or send her e-mail at
About six weeks before Festival, registration materials are distributed at FRES and TCMS. The packet comes home in kids' backpacks, so parents are asked to watch carefully for its arrival!
Kids read the Idea Catalog and pre-register for the six workshops that most appeal to them using a registration form included in the packet. If a student is registering for SCUBA Diving, his or her parents must complete and sign the included SCUBA Permission Form.
The registration deadline has been changed to WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. The deadline date printed on the Idea Catalogs and registration forms that went home in backpacks is INCORRECT, but the deadline date on materials you download from this website is correct. Thank you for understanding!
The Festival committee assigns each student to three workshops, based on space availability and other constraints. The kids receive their assignments — a very exciting moment! — on the day of the Festival.
Parents and friends, adults and teens are invited to join the fun. If you can help out for an hour or two — or for the entire afternoon — please fill out our Volunteer Sign-Up Form, that comes home along with our registration materials.
Each year, a student artist provides a cool new design for our official Festival of Ideas T-shirt. Click here for all the details on our T-shirt design contest.
To order a Festival T-shirt, return your T-Shirt Order Form with your Festival registration form.
Want to get a little feel for Festival? Visit the 2024 Photo Album!
Our photos this year — over 400 photos in all! — came to us courtesy of Dan Goldman (BCSD Communication Coordinator), Eric Gruner (BCSD Digital Media and Video Production), Lance Mitchell, and Wendy Walsh.
BCSD videographer Eric Gruner provided a great feel for the event with this video detailing 2016's Festival of Ideas:
Contact Martha Sciremammano, our Festival committee chairperson, at (585) 746-6818 or